Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Elmo | | | | | | |
Impaler | | | | | | |
ratz | | | | | | |
Stretch | | | | | | |
fangy | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
WazzaYotty | | | | | | |
Sammy the snail | | | | | | |
Oaf | | | | | | |
(Puf-) fin | | | | | | |
Bully boy fat Basil | | | | | | |
Hardie |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
Firiebob |
man of |
Pepe47 |
evets |
SluGger |
otts |
Shane121 |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 37.94 | 36.08 | 21.26 | 24.78 | 33.64 | 94.96 |
Elmo (32096km):
3681 days ago 1 categories  Tabou Rocket wide 108L, NP RSR E6 6.4m, Elmo SS 34cm,
Farkme that was mega junky tonight!!!
Got down there to find plenty of wind and a nice liberal coating of white caps, didn't look all that junky from the shore but was I in for a rather rude surprise.
First run on my latest fin wanted to give it a go to suss it out. There was a bit more west in the breeze than normal as soon as I got past the chanel I quickly found that the middle was a junk fest, so I started heading up towards Liptons to see if I could find some flatish behind Pt Grey, Got into Liptions in 3 tacks and had a bit of a play around up there, decided to go back and try for a downwind hour.
The hour started out ok with some bullets starting to come through 2nd run the wind started going mental as did the junk which was over waist high in places and about a board length between peaks, it was interesting trying to tread the needle and not eat my boom, was getting quite a bit of air and finding out that the fin doesn't like my landing style (uncontroled uncoordinated).
A couple more runs and a couple more dropped gybes I decided to flag the hour as self presevation was becoming a concern, so I headed back. Back at Novara I sat around for a bit and dicided to do a mast foot tweek and see whether that made a difference, kinda did but still interesting.
Shame I sat on my freckle for 5 mins as that formed part of my hour, would have been quite good but for that.
Happy with the new fin, good turn of pace out of it, found it didn't like the junk overly much but that would have been interesting woith any of them.

Impaler (518km):
3681 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
JP MR 118, 5.6 Combat wave, 31 weed
Not my fav place to sail - Holier than a conclave of cardinals and choppier than a Harley convention so top speed is down and alphas are crap but fun all the same...Would have been epic at Fangy's
ratz (10868km):
3681 days ago 1 categories  Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU
the odour of skunk was starting to waft in.
wind was swinging between s/w. s/e and straight south and five and twenty knots.
i was out there dogging along entertaining the crabbers with my impressive vocab of swear words as mother nature gave me a ass whipping.
then the wind god stretch turned up and it got good.
very lumpy but bloody awesome after the skunking from the last couple of days, going back to work at least with a smile on my dial.
Stretch (32270km):
3681 days ago Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU i101/176, Tushy7.6, 30cm weedy
Looked like it was going to be another classic Bunbury fizzer but the wind came in reasonably strong. chop everywhere but still enjoyed the sail 
Well done on the PBs Wazza and Basil!!
fangy (22898km):
3681 days ago 2 categories   Epic day at Fangy’s (Phongee) with Sam,Paul,Basil,Cap’n Calm,Dot,Fin,Hardly,Binny,Shanno and probably some more. So guess who had to double park again? No respect this mob.
The breeze was pretty decent and I was chomping at the bit to try out my mods on my old F2 waterlog. I stapled the Delta 21 and arranged a marriage with the 5.9 and hit it. Cap’n Calm was coming in for a half time break, having only done a couple of hundred kms already and as per usual gave me the run down on what was required team tactics wise. Yep, straight through to the keeper again, but I am sure it was good strategic planning.
Back to my F2 bump and jump. It was brilliant. I am absolutely tickled faded red with how it has turned out. Its behaviour in the chop was much better and tracked and turned beautifully. Of course some of that very stable behaviour is down to the board weighing in at Pavarotti.
Still, I cranked the log up to the mid thirties and was only really lamenting a lack of go go juice in the smooth. The 5.9 was a nice comfortable choice and at no stage was I overdone, so it was a great combo to try things out.
The breeze built a bit more and having seen a flying flash of orange go past down the run I was wondering who let the Oompah Loompahs out. Turns out it was Capn Calm on his new Koncept. He was just plain flying. Sammy flashed pass with the hammer well down. The time had come to suck it up and try JJ’s F2xsmall. All 54 wide and 81 litres of it.
I had been a little nervous of this moment. To me it was an intimidating bit of kit. It just sat there in the trailer, saying ‘ F**k off I am fast” .Besides the l last time I dealt with anything Xsmall was on a VERY cold day and I was busting for a pee.
I didn’t really have any faith in my ability to use the board so I thought I would make things easier for myself and whack lots of fin in. In retrospect, putting a Delta 20 in that board was about the right size in precisely the same way as a politicians retirement perks are just about the right size.
My first take off was embarrassing. Under my bulk the board instantly disappeared under the smooth and played with the crabs. After a rethink that would have left Brian Cox stunned I waited for a gust.
Bang, I was gone.
This board maybe my first time on a ‘speed board’ but I will always have fond memories. It was just plain brilliant when up and happening. I was so over finned I went directly into the wind, at least that’s what it felt like. Bullet Train, look and learn - this is how you do fast and smooth. Top Ten Fangy moment right there.
My first downhill was almost anti climatic. Whilst the F2 Bump and Jump was a fair amount of effort and concentration at 36 knots, this little F2xsmall was totally relaxed. I never thought I would ever be kicking back and thinking about ordering from the Drinks Menu at 36 knots, but thats what it felt like. Xsmall - size isnt everything baby!
Feeling so overconfident I decided to gybe it. Not a Top Ten Fangy moment right there.
I guess it’s going to take a bit practice to train my feet to remember that if you take a decent size step to put your foot on the inside back rail, well, you are just going to need to be Jesus. There is not much board and walking on water would be really helpful. Actually maybe JJ stands for JonJesus? In any case I will drop to my knees(probably relatively slowly - I dont want to risk an injury) and offer thanks to the great one next time I see him. His generosity in lending me this board is huge and perhaps a little risky given my track record with booms.
A few more runs. relaxed but never really hooking into a good bullet. My thoughts turned to snotgobblers starting to squawk from the nest for dinner. Time to come in.I got off the water so totally pumped that I couldnt actually stay and derig. So I went back out again. But it didn’t last, muscles started to complain and mistakes crept in. Time to bail whilst everything still works.
A quick chat to the Mobbers. Everyone pretty hyped. Lots of grins. Lots of PB’s methinks too. Me, I cant wait to drop in a small Delta and power up the Xsmall and push the envelope a bit. But that will have to wait for another day. Today is for enjoying the moment, the joy of my fellow Mobbers and grinning from ear to ear as I remember their faces when they came off the water.
Possibly the Top Fangy Day.
Decrepit (55267km):
3681 days ago 2 categories   Another fantastic Fangy day, with Hardy and Binny, The Finn, Wazza, L'escargo, Fangy, Basil, PaulWA and SMS.
Plenty of smooth to start with but the increasing wind and tide got rid of most of it, we had to put up with finger to hand sized ripples.
Plugged the new 5.4 koncept into the 43cm board with the 18cm 5? deg fin. This combo feels realy good, very balanced, but the fin needs a bit of TLC after the 120km, grounded it taking off in the shallows too many times, the tail tends to sink a bit at low speed.
I'm starting to get the NMs sorted, think I can take off a bit higher so the whole leg is down wind, the end of all of them starts to round up and slow down, except my 3rd best one that is less down wind at the start, it's a more even speed but slower.

Everybody had big smiles at the end of the day, but I think Fangy blew up the smile meter so it's hard to tell how every body else ranked.
WazzaYotty (2200km):
3681 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
Great afternoon at Phongy's and great to see Sam, The Capt'n, Fin, Phongy 'imself, Hardie and Basil. My shoulders are now absolutely fully extended and I will need to complete the posting after dinner. Got a stern look from thye Minister For Disappointment so low profile being kept.
Ok . Full tummy and the Minister has settled down after one of my mega G&T's...don't worry, I've checked she's still breathing. So while rigging up I decided to use the Capt'n's very, very generous hand-me-down....a 90 litre Waihua. If truth be told I worry that this board might be wanted by InterPool which is, as you will be aware, the marine division of Interpol. It's may well have been to a chop-shop....was it hot? Plastic surgery has changed it's nose from a Bill Lawry to a classic "Snub"so as to make it unrecognisable from the factory original. Length reduced = speed increased? Well, I was hoping so but being at Phongy-Land ( I just love Sam's immediately makes me want to recite Monty Python and the Holy Grail with John Cleese shouting from the battlements at the silly English Ker-niggets. Sorry Sam. It was an absolute pleasure to sail with you but you will need to slow down a bit on the water) I really thought a Delta might be needed and I didn't have one for the Waihua as it has a Tuttle thingy. Fortunately Basil was pondering a reciprocal dilemma as he had no PowerBox Weedy. Well, after a brief and succesful bartering session we both went off happy with me ready to load the Tuttle-thingy in the Waihua. I rigged the NP 6.4 Excess and worked upwind...hard work as I was over-cooked with a 6.4....too much back foot pressure saw me spinning out upwind but good a the downhill bits. As the wind built and my arms extended I decided that a re-rig was the most sensible option so i returned to dry dock and rigged a North 5.3 and changed to a Choco 28 Weedy. Much better and not so much of the spinning around nonsense. I had some great downwinders but was running out of puff ( mine, not the wind's) and managed to avoid running aground anywhere. WTF? I was pleased to see that my numbers were slowly coming up. But then so does rising damp so still a long way to go. Happy with the performance but the A-Graders will have deservedly taken the day....well done fellahs!!!
Sammy the snail (29353km):
3681 days ago Fangystatic session wiz the MM crew 
Gosh I needed this, mmh feel great now ah ah ah , that was juuust great! i was just missing 2-3 knots to get board to pass on the second gear, had twice the board going there! wasnt just enough for the fin to stage up.. anyway, greaaat fun blasting around and scaring myself in the jybe lol normaly I use the 55 for that .
That spot rocks, pity the tide wasnt a touch lower, cld have gone faaaaaster
Misty47, RSR5.8, MXR20/45 (starting to get those fins!!)
L is G
Oaf (7470km):
3681 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
Nice windy day. Dosed myself up on painkillers and decided it would be worth it. Didn't get the top speeds I was going for but it was great to sail my old F2 Sputnik for the first time in twenty years. All in all a good day and great to see so many people out, all excited because of the great conditions.
F2 Sputnik 270, RAF Jet 5.7
(Puf-) fin (15861km):
3681 days ago 1 categories 
Peel Coodanup, WA, AU.
A fun filled arvo' sailing with some wind, for a change, with the usual crew. I was giving the f2 SX-R another workout and things went
well, and also the ka Kon'5.8 and the 17cm supaweedy, whitch started peeling, sheding, the coating I had applied, and I had a few
sideways moments. The board gos just as fast sideways as it dos forward .
Bully boy fat Basil (5033km):
3680 days ago