Connewarre Cremasters (VIC, Australia) - 2012-06-20
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Jacques Kint
Jacques Kint (17886km):
4650 days ago
6 categories

Swan Bay Vic.

Really happy with these results today, its been nearly two years since i have squeezed  a 40 knot peak out of here.

 It was really rough today and i was only able to achieve these speeds today due to the fin, normally i would have been restricted to deeper water, but today i could sail up on the edge of the banks in fairly smooth water.

I sailed with Maui Ultra Fins, Delta Wing Slalom 189, it is only 19cm deep and has the same area as a fin 32-34cm. Initially i was a bit cautious on the fin, only because i was sailing in about 30cm of water, but the bottom is soft and forgiving. After half a dozen runs i started to get a feel of the fin, and found it likes a bit of back foot presure, and found the more you committed to the fin the more rewards you got out of it. You could drive the fin quite hard without it letting go. Each run slowly got faster, i wanted to push a 40 out of the fin and i was pleased to see it.

When you are deep of the breeze fully powered the fin feels great, no twitchy or loose feeling to be seen, it gives you a nice confidence to really sit back and push. 

Getting back upwind today was quite ruff and gusty, this was the only time you had to be lighter on your feet, but pointing upwind wasn't a problem it tracked well into the chop.


The only other place i have been able to get a 40 on my Slalom board is  Sandy Point.  I think i could have gone faster today with a smaller Delta and my speed board, but not complaining, pretty fast set up for the future and my back yard.

Really looking forward to more sessions on this fin, it is going to be really well suited to Swanbay (and other spots)Wink and is going to eliminate alot  of the sandband issues and open up more super smooth areas.


 F2 Sx Small, Maui sails tr8 5.5, MUF Delta Wing 189


 Somes pics of the fin, differant, but it works!!Cool


Izaak Perkins

4650 days ago

Nice one mate, about to receive my C3 proto's. What's the delta wing fin like to jibe??

dr cam

4650 days ago

Great numbers Jacques -been eyeing those fins for a while -did you get any sense of how they handle the chop ??

Jacques Kint

4650 days ago

Jibing was also one of the things at first i was a little cautious of, today wasn't really alpha conditions but did drop into a few jibes in the mid 30's and after a few it became like any other fin, dropped in nicely.

Cam,  i felt today the fin coped really well with the chop, Swan Bay tends to get a really short sharp chop, and it went through pretty well, a bit slippery a few times but i was fairly overpowered and being a bit aggressive with my foot work, it takes a bit of time to feel how they work upwind, being short in length when you start to get out of the water over the chop to much they can lose there way, softer foot work eliminates this, but when you turn around and head down over that flat water all is forgiven.



4649 days ago

Nice one Jacques Cool Fins looks great, MUF seem to be well priced to, might have to have a look at getting one Laughing I use a 34cm Venom in my SP95 (59cm wide 95L), what size would you recommend in the Delta Wing Slalom? Is it hard to get the fin out with the really pointy ends on the base?

Captain bogan

4649 days ago

Nice numbers JacquesCool.  Might have to look into those finsSmile.


4649 days ago

"Getting back upwind today was quite ruff and gusty"     roughUndecided

Jacques Kint

4649 days ago

Slang Choco!!! Slang!!Cool

Jez, My Slalom board is 90ltrs 59 wide and i think the 189 is perfect size. It takes sails 5.5 up to 7.0 quite nicely. When i got the fin i did a bit of sanding here and there to get it fit more board really well. Removing the fin isn't an issue mine locks in nice and comes out just as easy. If the fin is a bit tight in the box just don't undo the screws all the way and give them a slight tap a that frees up the fin. 


4649 days ago

"Getting back upwind today was quite ruff and gusty" ... he does sail like a bit of a dog...


4649 days ago

Sweet looking fin Jarques, I have the same board as you and need a weedy to run my 5.8 and 6.6 would this size be ok.

as you know I only have a 24 choco at present that I mainly use wth my 5.0

Undecided do you think that gap at the front will catch and jam with weed it looks a bit suss to me,

Wink there is a bit of weed here where I sail.



4649 days ago

Thanks for the info Jacques, def very interested in getting one for my slalom board! Thanks a good point choco, as i would want this as a weed fin as well or maybe im better off just getting a weed fin!?!


4649 days ago

Nice one DUUUDE. That fin does look like it was designed to fly at mach 2+. Look I'm on the market for a good weedie and a trip to "You Know Where" is on the cards for January. Keep up the good speeds. 


4596 days ago

Nice looking fin Jacques.

Any progress reports on that fin bro??? Im really interested in getting one for a weed/slalom setup. 

Has your opinion changed in any way since its been used a few times now??

Cheers in advance

Jacques Kint

4595 days ago

Hey Wysey, still happy with the way the fins go, they make sailing in Swan Bay a lot more fun and easier as it has some shallow bits that you can't normally get across, i still have my favorite fins for selected areas but as a good all round blasting fin you won't be disapointed, good value for your buck!