Peter (49702km):
2983 days ago BIB, Corpus Christi, TX. NE wind 24 mph gusting to 30. Falcon 99, TR-8 6.3, BP WS 38. The fin worked much better today with the smaller sail (which also behaved better than the TR-7). Not quite windy enough for me to try Boro's 5.6, and Nina was in freestyle mode, even though it was a tad chilly for Texas standards (62 F dropping to 59, sunny going to cloudy).
Used GPSLogit again for the first time in a while, and found it quite useful. Hearing constant "26, 27, 28" made me go for the nautical mile, and I'm quite happy with another PB in Texas. Still need to work on control in chop - I slowed down too much whenever there was cross chop. Larege parts of the run made it easy to sail parallel to the small wind waves, though - fun!