Grevelingen Chop Team (S, Netherlands) - 2020-03-29
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Hans Kreisel
Jacques van der Hout
Ben van der Steen
Jeroen Schuitema
Stefan Brouwers
Marcel van Kalken
Sebastiaan de Bruijn
Menno Benningshof
André Mook
Hans Kreisel (34576km):
1503 days ago
6 categories

Made the wrong decision to stick to the dam to long did 80+km/h avg over there when i got back to the car i asked Marco about the weedstrip. He told me his speeds so i new it had to be good congratz on your PB's.

So i wanted to change my fin because the spot was SB and the head broke off getting it out FARKKKKKK. Didn't want to get it out fast because i was afraid of damaging my 45 speed . So just took the 50 jp speed. In the first place i also didn't believe how fast this place can be. But i had a huge WTF moment. Think if i was here early i would have done 86+ km avg or more. So sick to blast true the weed fields choose your own angle. To bad we can only use this spot only a few weeks a year. This was one of my easiest sessions ever to bad i was freezing cold and low on energy but it was a great experience super stoked sailing @ (Het Pellen Tapijtje!)
