Cro Dalmatia Speed Junkies (South, Croatia) - 2009-09-13
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Domeniko Cres
Marin the Playboy
PEKA (15014km):
5346 days ago
4 categories

three days of shimuni,island pag.friday afternoon jp slalom89+select sl35+loft6.8

saturday morning x-fire112+select sl35+loft6.8

sunday morning x-fire112+select sl35+loft6.8

it was beautiful experience to compete on one hour slalom together with more than 60 competitors on saturday morning.not very satisfied with myself performance,i could have done year i will be more experienced .it would be better if slalom was hold on sunday,wind was 20-25 knots all time,little chop,ideal for racing.

Domeniko Cres (7176km):
5344 days ago

Really sorry that this is not speed track, but...


It is first part of marathon trip around biggest Croatian island Cres.  

After 16 years of windsurfing expiriance, and after buying GPS device (for location estimation in case of accident!) , (and after tourist season in which I have to work and dont have free time...), but before winter and cold weather comes, I decided it is last chance to start this marathon.


I know distances double and triply than this are made by some of us in a day, but cruising around island with only one car road is copletly something other. Also difficult because wind and complete situation on one side is different than wind on other...


Thats why I decided to go with extra big Mistral One Design, probably >15 yrs old. I needed something with dagger to be able to go into the wind, can take food for two days if have to sleep outside, and big enough to float on it and paddle if needed.

First half of trip = 41 km I did in 4.40 hours, but soon wind droped down and for second part of again 41 km I needed 12 hours...


All together over 16 hours on board, and 30 minutes on Sv. Blaz beach, needed it to rope my things better to board, in front of me wos open sea, and short 1.5 m waves, hiting directly in nose, so it wos neccesary to go bit downwind...


All together - wonderfull expirience, happy to be without some emergency, I sow part of my island never seen before, and lot of things thath happend but can not write about thath.

Also wish to thanks to my friends who pick me up on other part of island, coast capitan who cleverly find out that "crazy windsurfer without wind in middlle of nowhere" can be only me, and that he call me on phone and didnt make unneccesary "rescue mission" and drama.


Lot of things are prohibitted, to save lives, and trip like this I dont suggest to nobody.  If somebody do it, than maximum safty precautions shoudll be mady, water, moby, gps, and people with boat who are able to pick you up also in storm. Also with all that it is a big risk.


But I just woudllnt survived if stayed at home :)


Track in Google Earth can be seen at:


Mistral Design One

Naish Noa_II 7.0


5345 days ago

How come only one entry on 13.09.

Where is Boreas mates ??? There was all crue rided slalom extreme ??????????


5344 days ago

Nice one Peka


5343 days ago

@peka: nice pb's

@ds-cres: man! absolutely fabulous!!!! unfortunately you did not call nova tv to make a report about that - i'm sure nikolina pisek would have invited you to the show, or josipa pavisic would have danced with you!  Wink.... just kidding!

now seriously: you have all my respect for that!!! 16.5 hours spend on your board ... wow!

i do also still have my 29-year old hifly 333 and maybe a start a similar trip around my island (brac) - on my 50th birthdy!

congratz once more! GOOD JOB!!!

PS: and did you realize what the track on google earth looks like? with just a little bit of fantasy you can see the W greeting!

PPS: i have to put that story on pwp!!!




5343 days ago

Excelent Domeniko, one of the greatest session I saw

Domeniko Cres

5342 days ago

Niki & Yo are wellcome :) But with them I woudl get overheat and woudl never finish the route...

I'm really hapy I finished it in 16 hours because there wos times whan gps wos counting that I will arive 10.00 next morning... with my speed of 1,5 km/h...  I spoked with lot of people and nobody remember bonaca (no wind) there, it is really unusually....


I hope to be more vise and lucky on second tour.


P.S. yes, track looks really funny... it is W salute for sure!


P.P.S. thx for support!


5342 days ago

All my respect.

It must be great felling to travel alone with board.

I think I will make plan to sail someware next summer.

Great idea, one more time all my respect.


5342 days ago

Well done Domeniko , i have now left the team and moved back to my old team it was pleasure sailing here n putting up some scores together with u guys for the team challenge , i hope u's all keep up the spirit and kick some ass.


5342 days ago

DS-Cres: Great, realy, great... I can imagine you enjoyed it very much! Last year I did something similar around seven smaler islands in Šibenik archipelagio. It was realy special. I even had an idea to organize some long sailing together with others... Maybe next year we can do something like this...

Odin: it was a plkeasure and an honour to have you in oposite team, and to have you in Croatia in general! Thank you for inspiration. We will be in touch...



5342 days ago

Oh yes Adi we will keep in touch thats for sure , and a great pleasure to be sailing with u...

Adi maybe next stop is Australia for you !!!!! i will be waiting.....


5342 days ago

@DS-Cres, this is really a great achivement. Congratulations! Adi and I talked about some long distance trips but we haven't materialized it yet. I hope we will next year, specially now when we have great company of you, our speed mates. It could really be something very interesting.

@Odin - I had a great pleasure in knowing and sailing with you, You were an inspiration and a great speed teacher. Thank you Smile! I wish you to kick some ass as soon as you get down under and hope to visit you sometime Wink! As Adi says.. will be in touch...