Jimbob (26496km):
4874 days ago 1 categories Good cruise today on some nice flat water,
F2 Stoke 117, 5.8 KA Koncept, 30 JP supercross. 2 test runs on missile on 26 and 28 AB port assy fins.
Lake George, SA, AU 12 to 22 NW, from the spit.
nice day sun shining and wind was pretty good, on the 5.8 all day was set sweet on full downhaul and a touch of outhaul, just going for some distance to keep the fitness up and Whooo Hooo had a hour pb, the supercross fin being a pointer had a bit more zap then the select weedies I normally use in the stoke, its the fin out of my old torquay board that lives under the caravan, gybed pretty good today didn't miss many as water was pretty flat had 16 gybes in the hour, had a good look around at some other areas of the lake checkng the weed beds, will be fantastic by summer seabreezes.
tested 2 fins on the missile and was very happy with them as was on the 5.8 and usually only use the 5.0 on it, they are port tack assy so will be sweet for nauticals in the summer seabreezes later. never really pushed for top speeds today as was all by myself and didn't see anybody all arvo.