Claus (9820km):
4641 days ago 1 categories  First time on the MUF Delta Slalom 19, it deals with heavy seagrass very well, is quite fast and spin-out resistant and goes upwind very well also, so I'm quite happy with this strange fin! Wind conditions were nice. Less chop and perhaps a bigger sail would have improved the speeds, but for the conditions and (new fin) setup I'm more than satisfied.
Out with Jurex who was out using the same type of fin. He did downwind runs mainly on port track, I did my runs mainly on starboard track, but it was wery choppy and not easy. Very hot also!
Michele was out earlier in the day at Barcola and did a catapult at nearly 37knots due to the gusty Bora conditions- and hurt his foot as it remained in the strap! Aii.. Michele, hope you will get well soon!
Marina Julia.
RRD X-Fire 102, Severne Overdrive 5.5, Maui Ultra Fins Delta SL 19.