hoppybogan (26584km):
4438 days ago Stansbury, SA, AU westerly 0-25knots
F2 sxs 90, 5.4 raf, LE 30 weedy.
No wind on the trip away so thought to try out the sxs for the first time. Rigged the 6.2 raf first up but was too much so changed down to 5.4 raf. Had to drop the boom down a bit cause shee's a lively beast and was wanting to fly. Must use the kA 5 koncept next time to hold her down. With the wind constantly dropping to nothing spent a lot of time in the water waiting to water start and learning to foot steer it off the wind to get going. Had trouble getting that back foot in the strap and practice is needed. Once going though it was comfortable and fast and i like it. Get a nice southerly blowing and she'l be a Woo-hoo time for sure. Was only a short session and was worn out.
Met Jaques at the beach at Queenscliff a couple of days ago and bought his F2 missile and sxs 90. Would have sailed with him but the wind gods let us down.
Also caught up with Jimbob at Millicent and had a few beers and a chat. was good.
Checked out Lake George and no wind so didn't sail but had a good look around. The water at Beachport is so aqua blue and a great place to stay.
Checked out boggy lake too but no wind either. Went through Strath on the way home but was too late to catch up with Gareth .