Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Isaac | | | | | | |
Mr Love | | | | | | |
Mathew Robertson | | | | | | |
Chinaman | | | | | | |
kato | | | | | | |
Sailquik |
Shelby |
Seahorse |
Nic R |
Spotty |
Mal Wright |
Tom Chalko |
Peter Johnston |
Stuart Eustice |
Ado |
Mal Faulkner |
andrew dickenson |
Pip (Old codger) |
Brad |
Dazzer |
Tempest |
Tone |
supernan |
SeaSkip |
Johndog |
Neil Maskiell |
Hajime |
PMosse |
Dazman |
Troppo |
Sunshinesailorgirl |
Josh |
fordy007 |
Phee |
Adrian |
Average | 39.50 | 37.38 | 22.66 | 22.76 | 36.21 | 56.68 |
Isaac (12111km):
4382 days ago Lake George, SA, AU 4 days streight 2 many
Mr Love (6877km):
4382 days ago Pookipa, Elwood, VIC, AU
A nice seabreeze blast. good fun with lots of boards on the water. Pretty rough as usual but happy with the speed considering I was on the FSW.
RRD FSW 96, KA Koncept 6.6, MFC Freewave 28
Mathew Robertson (8362km):
4382 days ago Lake George, SA, AU : Day 1
Turned up with Kato and Ado at about 4pm ... to find the carpark full, so we started another one.
Chinaman (2860km):
4381 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
First day over here, .... what a place !!!! Only took out the slalom gear to try and get a feel for the area. Pretty happy with the results l, lets see what the next session can bring.
Great to see a lot out sailors from different states and so many tearing the lake appart. Will be very interesting to see the results over the next few days.
Falcon 89, overdrive 5.4 & vector speed weed 25
kato (38079km):
4371 days ago First day at Lake George.Jumped onto the Ca 40 for some speed runs with my newly modified weedie fin,20cm 42deg cut down TM26. Worked great square and up wind but very twichy off the wind in the chop and had a big off and smashed my head into the sail. No damage to gear but my necks a bit sore. Try again...another go at a Nm and another big off into the sail but this time I,ve broken the visor on the helmet. Still no damage to the sail at least.
Two runs two crashes so I spent the rest of the arvo crusing around with a Ka 20 bolted in and enjoyed the lake. No point comming all this way just to stuff up on the first day.
Ca 40,Koncept 5.8,Ka/Loc Assy 20