Flad The Inhaler (1699km):
4246 days ago Fogland north side with a west northwest on a 6.0 Ezzy Infinity and Starboard Carve 135 and a nice run to the Seapowet Bridge then another nice one to Sandy Point, but it died a bit as I neared the west side of the river. I rigger my 6.0 because a guy told me he was powered up most of the time on a 6.2. After I got rigged, two other guys came in who had been sailing for hours (50 km or so they said) and they were on 9.0s. They said they were over powered, but they didn't want to waste time re-rigging. Nine ohs and I was pretty well powered at first with a 6.0. But it dropped off around 5:00 just as I was trying out my old, reconditioned F2 Xantos 117 L. I could feel with this blast of NW air that September in coming soon. But it's beautifully clear.