Connewarre Cremasters (VIC, Australia) - 2013-10-18
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Jacques Kint
Tonster (1719km):
4161 days ago
2 categories

Possibly the last day of sailing here at Luderitz. The wind started out ok but as it built up it swung too broad, resulting in many crashes and spin outs. 2 guys were hospitalised one with 14 stitches to the face one one a suspected broken arm. Most of us waited till the wind came back to a better direction and for about an hour it was ok. Considering it takes about an hour per run there wasn't much sailing time. Once again I JUST managed to get 5 runs in for the 5 hrs in the water. That's pretty much been the average per day for me. Ther is no time to test stuff here ... That HAS to be sorted before arriving to Luderitz.. Got some reasonable peaks and 10 secs but nothing too extraodinary. Was interesting watching and sailing with Antoine. Yep.. he's good...I Sailed on KA 2014 Koncept, Mistral 41 Lockwood/KA 20 with 7.5kg lead wieght on. 

Jacques Kint (17886km):
4161 days ago
6 categories


I think today will be the last day of sailing for us, and unfortunately today wasn't a good day for me, after yesterday i thought i would try a few differant combinations. Patrik gave me a some differant boards to play on, had a few runs but when the wind started to crank it also swung really broad and the canal turn very rough, lots of spins out and crashes from other people, but if you could pull a run off the rewards were there, after seeing the carnage i was slighlty reluctant to push.

 These speeds today would resemble a great session at home, but after a while here you tend to forget how fast you are going sometimes and a 46 knot run is dismissed quickly as a bad one, this afternoon on my last run, i stood up to slow down at the end but not consistrating  hit some chop grabbed the leeward rail and crashed hard at 43 knots, hitting the water and the bottom giving myself concusion.... not good it is definalty my worst crash to date, and wearing ten kilo of lead doesn't help your body when rag dolling, not looking forward to wakeing up tommorow. After that i was done.

But it is the game of speed sailing and these things happen, move on and learn.

Its been a great couple of weeks and i am so pleased with my results, i have learnt heaps and loved the rushes along the way that corner and the acceleration will never be forgotten.

PD 43 41 39, reflex4 5.6, mXr 19 speed assy Ka 20 assy


4161 days ago

looks like you all had fun


4161 days ago
Sounds like a spectacular crash Jacques, did you get it on camera? Good to here you didn't break anything😃