Surfgasm (1847km):
4052 days ago 2 categories This doesn't stop. I set again a new national record. They forecasted less wind so most thought to have a test and fine tune session. For that reason I took the RRD Firewing and added 3 more spacers, see what that would do? But while cueingup, I saw that the wind started to increase rapidly, so I gave away my turn and ran to the container to take an extra 1,25 kg of lead. Jezus!!! during that run I got a gust I could just handle by opening the sail completely, the result is a + 4 kts difference in that run.
so back to the container before my second run and i simply used my spare weightjacket, took another extra 2,5 kg of lead and spread it equaly over the 2 jackets.
I did that run and got hit again by a gust just at the end, but the lead gave me the weight to only have to open the sail partly; result...the piek was less then 0,6 kts difference. and I pushed this sail over a 47kts 1 sec piek.
so I went for the third run with ...another 2 kilo of lead extra, but that was such a scary ride because of the rolling chop and the gust that hit me again in the end. This run is filmed with the GoPro on my head. the gust was massive, I was glad to have survivved it and said this is enough.
I was on the same sailsize as the big boy's, and 2 of them ended up being taken away with the ambulance. the Swedish giant smashed his nose completely they told me. So no five runs like the other day's to set a good average because i had switched of mentaly and when the conditions got again a bit less problematic at the last part, I didn't feel like going for number 4 and 5 and after all, to have a good average I needede to compensate for the \"poor\" 42,5 kts i did in that scary run, so no thanks. Antoine had arrive in the mean time and did "only" 47's so what could I do, he was on 5,8m
I'm again off all alone, so plenty of hot water and relatively faster Internet at the guesthouse.This must probably be the first ever national record set on a RRD sail(Firewing 5,7 2014 Proto), so Roberto You own me a pizza and pasta!