starboardsailor (32844km):
4105 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
AHD Formula & RRD XFire 112 RSS 8.6/7.8 Lion 7.5
DARN thought i had a pb 165km on GT31 but 8km have been eaten by KA72 and a hole inmy sail,
but still a good day.
Started out at 0730 had 103kms up 1130 thought i was in for an easy pb or more but after lunch
a hole appeared in the 7.8 after a quick change, went out for more but the wind was fading so went
back in for the Formula board. In the end i was happy to have got what i thought was a pb.
Majority of the distance on the Formula board (137km).
Will check the file on Realspeed when i get home on the weekend.
Anyone else getting discrepancies on KA72?