Sausage (22853km):
4018 days ago 1 categories iS90, 6.3 RBlade, 34 Goldwing - Lammermoor Beach, QLD, AU SE 17 - 23kn
First things first - this board is a revelation in the ocean. Only 3rd go on it and first sail on it's home turf and I get my self a 2sec PB for here, a 33 kn 10 sec run and a 29.5kn NM without too many problems. Conditions couldn't have been any worse and yet this thing just plows through the same conditions I would be having some butt clenching big get off moments. Tailed walk it a few times where previously I would have eaten dirt this thing just settled itself back down beautifully. Now all I have to do is keep it in one piece . Definitely now can be content in knowing it was her (the Falcon 89) and not me with our break up.
I reckon I can get myself another 30 kn NM after just doing one NM run on my final leg today.