Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Darryl | | | | | | |
Annie | | | | | | |
Borgy | | | | | | |
Nauli | | | | | | |
Scott | | | | | | |
Glenno | | | | | | |
Nelson d Foiler | | | | | | |
Jay | | | | | | |
Windrider |
Coala Bear |
Cheryl |
Damo |
wog |
Fatmatt |
col |
Jacqui |
Shane |
Windrose |
windy74 |
Jester |
Subs |
Taj |
Mochero |
Simon |
Russ |
Average | 33.03 | 31.08 | 14.78 | 21.24 | 24.99 | 51.22 |
Darryl (25155km):
3356 days ago Port Coogee, R7 11.5 SB167 Z 72, Picked up the new sail so had to take it out straight away. :) First sail on formula for quite a while, all felt a bit strange. New sail is great, feels very light in the hands even for a 11.5, there seems to be a fair bit of depth down low which gives you a wide range of sheeting angles without stalling the sail. May have a bit less mast foot pressure as everything felt very loose. Out for about two hours, very easy to sail, wind did pickup to 20 to 25 knts at the end. Very happy with my choice :)))))

Annie (14187km):
3356 days ago 6.5M T4 with 106 lt Cross then 94lt with FWW
What an awesome bit of fun that was
Hopefully the forecast is the same for tomorrow.
Great to catch up with loads of happy people 
Borgy (16631km):
3356 days ago 1 categories  94m L, 122 XF 44CCF ; then 7.8m L, 114 XF, 40CCF ; then 7m L 98XF 36CV
Just kept getting stronger so I kept downsizing. Lst combo felt the best so did some gybing practise following el capitano's suggestion to just go for it in the gusts.
Good laughs afterwards to wash away the 2 days of Easterlies . The mermaids also made the day a pleasant outing.
#gotta remember to use my glasses when posting!
Nauli (22262km):
3356 days ago 2 categories   7.8 Reflex 6; X-F 122 +c-Volt b44 briefly; X-F 05 +Volt 38 and BP 36...Melville.
Unexpected launched on the 122 and twisted my changed to the 105...much better...plenty oif the team out...including Jay with a nice new Reflex 7...
Scott (5272km):
3356 days ago XF114, NCX 7.5 & 32 Vector WS - Well that was a bit unexpected! Only packed the big gear so got a tad overpowered and called it early..
Borgy! Nice PB!  I reckon it won't last long either!
Glenno (6595km):
3356 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
101 iSonic, 7.5O/D, 32 Vector weedy.
More wind than expected, got hammered in a few of the gusts.
Nice PB Borgy
Nelson d Foiler (32036km):
3356 days ago RRD Firestorm 120L with 7.5M T-bird & 44 MFC then 40 EX Vector
As the wind picked up & the old body gave in I changed to the 101L firestorm with a 36 EX.
That combo was not feeling good today so grabbed Annie's 6.5M at the end of the day for some comfy blasts, worked a treat
Fastest times on the 6.5M & fastest gybes on the 7.5M & 101L on my gumby side obviously improving, slowly
Jay (16402km):
3355 days ago Started off with a Reflex 4, 9.6, Mistral 137, CL2 44 in 10 to 12kts, (had a ball). Changed down to a "Brand Spankin New" Reflex 7, 8.6. With my M 137 and 38cm fin the rig felt light in the hands and fast! More tuning needed- what a shame.....
Congrats on the PB Borgy, did you move the mast track back?