kato (38401km):
2990 days ago Esperance, WA, AU
Last sail in WA before we head across the desert to home.
I think windsurfing is dead here, couldn't find any sailors and only 2 kitters in the waves on what looked a perfect day for a sail.
Looked at 10 mile Lagoon which looked great except for two things.....someone short changed the name....its 2km at best. and its got some shallow looking bits that I wasn't sure about. Local knowledge was needed. It was also a clothing optional beach..... now that might be fun
Sailed the main beach between the old pier and the shipping port. Looked a little smoother than the ocean, but gusty on the inside. It was fun !!!! a few random waves on the outside with reasonable chop on the inside and a great run if you could time a gust. A little more sth in the wind would have made it better.
Pulled the pin when the wind went light......See ya next time WA
Sl52, Koncept 6.6, Venom 30