Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Rob | | | | | | |
Duane Hayes | | | | | | |
Paul AUS729 | | | | | | |
evilC | | | | | | |
Cocky | | | | | | |
BC | | | | | | |
Macey | | | | | | |
B-rad |
mkseven |
Paul Bryant |
Cootharabean |
Paul 66WSF |
Azuli |
Fin Boy |
Ezza |
Richie Fish |
dunin |
Average | 33.12 | 30.93 | 17.03 | 21.78 | 29.31 | 66.17 |
Rob (7234km):
2389 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU
Blast130 Choco42 Bullet6.4
Awesome session with heaps of guys out there. Thanks for the tips Ian, nailed a NM pb. Managed a 0% hit rate on gybes though...
Duane Hayes (2647km):
2389 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU
Paul AUS729 (12473km):
2389 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU
Club open day followed by bump and jump session
86FW / 4.7Volt - mental !! 
evilC (67528km):
2389 days ago 1 categories  Wynnum, QLD, AU
IS80, R6.2, T32
Cocky (61522km):
2389 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU. 115 blast / 7M1 / 36T. Few runs in the rough at high tide with ChrisO .If it was not for how good the Blast is in chop i could not got the my best NM for Wynnum Manly. Happy with NM time .31 Kn less than 5x10.
Wind kept picking up so changed to 96 Freewave and 5m Naish. Then it got to windy for this gear in the end. 25 plus knots and confused swells.
BC (32207km):
2389 days ago 2 categories   great fun session at Bayside Open Day , blast 100 , 5.8 Duotone etype , then changed down to 4.8 super session and starship 90
Macey (10430km):
2389 days ago Manly, QLD, AU. 80,5.1,27. A sail with Mike and Jayson at Rose Bay, Manly. Less scary than the Wynnum washing machine however the tide was still too high for the mud bank, so still choppy.