Dazman (121km):
1863 days ago Yarrawonga, VIC, AU, Starboard Go 165, 5.7 Wave Sail.
10-25 knts
Just getting back into it.
I think I have taken the Tasar sailing out out.
Tone (4321km):
1863 days ago isonic94L, KA Koncept 5.8m2, 35cm at Sandy Point
arrived 1030, took time to set up, isonic112L and 7.8m2 Severne overdrive, too much wind, rest of day used 5.8m KA Koncept instead with 34cm Slam fin upright and 94L isonic by 11:30am. One of the best days for ages, good control with hard downhauls, speed not great though, wind WSW so not great down the course, had course with one other Mark (segway trailer) for a few hours, then kites and other sailers took it on including sailquick testing a 7.2 later in the day.
No spinouts today, great session, 34km!
Sailquik (29888km):
1862 days ago Sandy Point, Vic
Mate came and sailed with me so I had a go even though the wind was marginal. Got to the inlet and found 15 knots. Rigged 2020 KA Race an then found I didnt have my Isonic 110L in the trailer. So I went on the IS87 with 30cm weapon fin. Board and fin a bit small for me on this combo so I struggled a bit.
Good to do a bit of sail tuning though.
IS87, 30 Atomic Weapon fin, 2020 KA Race 7.0m. GW-60
