Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Andy Scott | | | | | | |
Cheif | | | | | | |
Tim Sellars | | | | | | |
Jason Juretic | | | | | | |
Fez | | | | | | |
Conormate | | | | | | |
conan |
Adrian Levy |
Vlad |
rob |
nathan bowness |
Ferg |
craig cole |
Jorn |
Greg Lucas |
Mitchysg5 |
Big Gaz |
MaxF499 |
Karl |
Boothy |
Cashews835 |
Dante |
Bert |
Alex |
Jimi |
Stuart |
Average | 37.03 | 33.84 | 14.48 | 22.99 | 20.84 | 68.00 |
Andy Scott (6594km):
1714 days ago 1 categories Cronulla, NSW, AU
1st session 40kts+ gusts hardest conditions swell chop and branches.
2nd sessions 45-50kts gust more stuff in water got to be mad
to be out there going to doctors in morning
Cheif (18008km):
1714 days ago 1 categories Primbee, NSW, AU South Westerly SV M2 7.0 , RRD 90 LTR Wow Super windy with some really Hairy runs .
Tim Sellars (20186km):
1714 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU
Different from yesterday, Rig up the smallest gear i had but need even smaller sail to what i had.
Big gust way over 40/45kts with big chop it was starting to get survival sailing just to get back to the shore, It just wasn't worth breaking gear or myself.
Just a small crew took on the coniditions Fez, coner and Berowne breaking gear not having too much luck.
JP93L, SV R5 5.6m i wish it was smaller and 33cm carbon.
Jason Juretic (844km):
1714 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU. Severne 5.6, Fanatic Falcon 99litres, 21cm carbon fin made by Stuart Truscott.
Southerly so choppy. I should have been on 6m+
Fez (19545km):
1714 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU 4.8m 76L 31.5cm. Gusts to 45knots. Very choppy and hard to control. Out with Tim, Conor and Berown. Berown had a breakage and we lost him in the ebbing tide. Conor drove around and found his gear and then he arrived an hour later wandering up the road in his helmet and westsuit to be reunited with his gear. All good.
Conormate (6276km):
1713 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU
WAs a tad windy yesterday, not the best decision to sail local. Should have headed down the coast. Managed to get a couple of runs but it was too crazy out there, 40+knts and chop that was impossible to tame. Anyhows, we still had a crack and was happy with that.
Tabou Manta 59, GA Phantom 5.8.