Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Karl | | | | | | |
Cashews835 | | | | | | |
Mitchysg5 | | | | | | |
Fez | | | | | | |
conan |
Adrian Levy |
Vlad |
rob |
nathan bowness |
Ferg |
Paulie |
craig cole |
Jorn |
Greg Lucas |
Conormate |
Tim Sellars |
Cheif |
Big Gaz |
MaxF499 |
Andy Scott |
Jason Juretic |
Boothy |
Dante |
Bert |
Alex |
Jimi |
Stuart |
Average | 33.11 | 31.40 | 16.30 | 21.28 | 27.65 | 43.31 |
Karl (3684km):
1023 days ago Funny day. Blowing down trees at 8am with Mitch out on his smallest gear and still too strong.
It settled down and got some nice runs in before it dropped a bit more and it was time to give it away.
Nice to see the stgeorge team again including Pops aka Fez who hopefully got out for a run.
105l, 5.5m, 22 and 26cm.
Primbee, NSW, AU
Cashews835 (431km):
1023 days ago Lost my sunnies on crash no.1! 
Good day sailing, good to see all the lads again.
5.6, 108L RRD, 20 Delta - Primbee, NSW, AU
Mitchysg5 (8024km):
1023 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU- 4.8 sail and 87L isonic
Fez (20545km):
1023 days ago 1 categories  Primbee, NSW, AU Plenty of yabbering in the car park before I got out. Missed the early wind, but had a reasonable sail. 6.4m 80L 23UFO. Good to catch up with some of the team. Up and down in the afternoon, good fun.