Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Flex | | | | | | |
Woody-Mark | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Jay | | | | | | |
kai | | | | | | |
Al | | | | | | |
Stretch | | | | | | |
Slowboat | | | | | | |
Pos | | | | | | |
Pointman |
Doddi |
Antman |
Richo 72 |
Rondog |
Tim |
Lucca |
Average | 40.87 | 38.51 | 19.78 | 26.72 | 35.01 | 104.12 |
Flex (20553km):
446 days ago Princess Royal Harbour, WA, AU. Was always gonna be iffy today with wind in am but no water and visa versa in pm. Went to Shoal bay as figured best spot and maybe get some underwater shots of the flex capacitor fin. Went out for a test run in nice southerly so came in to pick up the cameras. By the time I'd placed the underwater cam the wind had spun SE so was in gusty wind shadow. A few gusts came through but runs never lasted long so gave up.
Woody-Mark (16200km):
446 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU
Fun in not so flat coods today. Great crowd as always. Markoz 56 evo5.8
Boz (46967km):
446 days ago 2 categories   Coodanup, WA, AU
Just a fun day with heaps out and some still out as I write this
Falcon 56 KAR5.7
Jay (16537km):
445 days ago Coods with the usual bunch. Patrik 92/Delta Weed 18, Race + 7.0.
kai (5458km):
445 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
First score on the board for the year.
6.2 NX, 53 Patrik, 22 weed speed
Al (776km):
445 days ago Coods - Windy but bumpy.
Frace 100 Mach 4 6.2 Delta Speed 20
Stretch (32554km):
445 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU. Nice sail with heaps out going for it. Well done all CA52, SCR5.8
Slowboat (50749km):
445 days ago yeehar
Liptons/Pt Gray Rapid 53 6.2m 23wsp
Tide was pretty low for the 23 but that was OK since the wind wasn't there on the flats. Really strange. Both sides shut down. Just send it on the edge of the channel where the wind was. Fastest 10sec was heading NE on stbd tack away from Liptons. Totally in reverse... Best 2sec at pt gray but the rest were a mix of both tacks in both places. So many stingrays! And a shark or 3. Wildlife was getting a bit hectic so stopped before one of us got hurt.
Good to catch up with the locals again!
Pos (15022km):
445 days ago Liptons, WA (Point Grey)
Nice session today. Started out on the Windtech 57 SB with 25cm WS but was catching too much weed. Changed to Tribal Rapid 53 with 20cm Delta/6.1 Loft SpeedBlade and spent the rest of the arvo on that. Caught up with Doddi and saw a speccy crash over on the southern side of Pt Grey. Hope you're okay mate and back not too sore. Good to catch up with Slowy, Hardie and Decrepit out on the water.