Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Boothy | | | | | | |
Tim Sellars | | | | | | |
Fez | | | | | | |
craig cole | | | | | | |
Cheif | | | | | | |
conan |
Adrian Levy |
Vlad |
rob |
nathan bowness |
Ferg |
Paulie |
Jorn |
Greg Lucas |
Conormate |
Mitchysg5 |
Big Gaz |
MaxF499 |
Andy Scott |
Jason Juretic |
Karl |
Cashews835 |
Dante |
Bert |
Alex |
Jimi |
Stuart |
Average | 36.51 | 34.36 | 22.12 | 23.45 | 28.10 | 137.21 |
Boothy (5799km):
418 days ago Lake George, SA, AU good sail with the everyone started with 7.8 m2 72 isonic 28 mxr stugled so went to the 7m m1
Tim Sellars (21760km):
418 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Another day on the lake with more pressure today but still on big gear!! So hopefully tomorrow we all can get on a smaller sail and board.
Some nice runs down the western side.
JP71, SV Mach5 7.8m, UFO 26cm
Fez (20545km):
418 days ago 2 categories   Lake George, SA, AU Great day at LG. 7.0m 98L AV. Felt great in the pressure.
craig cole (7197km):
418 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
A good day on the lake,BIG numbers from team today, not me i couldnt get comfortable in the chop.
falcon 129,111 7.7 warp 24 pepe 30 MXR
Cheif (18645km):
418 days ago Lake George, SA, AU Patrik 115 SL And M5 Sv 7.8 Great sailing , Classic Lake George Beautiful day ,
South winds In lite conditions.