Conormate (6447km):
354 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU
Nice blast after work and the home spot. Breeze was bang on, tide perfect. Had fun sail with the lads, a very special moment witnessing Ranga perform an almighty stack riight before our eyes. Hope the walk of shame back over the bridge was breif. would like to of stayed but had to go.
Manta 61 , Loft 7.8
Tim Sellars (21187km):
354 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU
A great sail after work at the local and back on a pointer fin and in the chop, plenty of times overpower on the big gear through the chop
but kept in control, could have went a board size down.
Unfortunatey i miss Craig cole stack i heard it was impressive!!!! Good TEAM turn out.
JP71, SV Mach5 7.8m, Carbon 39cm