Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Boothy | | | | | | |
Fez | | | | | | |
Tim Sellars | | | | | | |
Alex | | | | | | |
Jorn | | | | | | |
Adrian Levy | | | | | | |
craig cole | | | | | | |
conan |
Vlad |
rob |
nathan bowness |
Ferg |
Greg Lucas |
Conormate |
Cheif |
Mitchysg5 |
Big Gaz |
MaxF499 |
Andy Scott |
Jason Juretic |
Karl |
Cashews835 |
Dante |
Bert |
Jimi |
Stuart |
Average | 29.65 | 27.56 | 13.70 | 18.97 | 23.23 | 52.05 |
Boothy (5799km):
353 days ago 1 categories  Sans Souci, NSW, AU was just desperate for a sail wind didnt really happen 7.8 m2 83 isonic
Fez (20178km):
353 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU Eventually had a reasonable sail towards the end. Rigged medium gearvand wind dropped out when about to launch. Changed to big gear and waited to get started. 7.0m 98L. good fun with team at the local. Beers at club at the end.
Tim Sellars (21313km):
353 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU
The Forcast was looking good but the wind back off and rain when hitting the water went to 10kts came up a little late in afteroon good sailing with
Team mates and cold beers at the club always good.
JP71,SV Mach 5 7.8m, Carbon 39
Alex (598km):
353 days ago Cronulla, NSW, AU
Jorn (3635km):
352 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU StGeorge clubrace on theLT in a dying then coming back southerly breeze, top speed tot bad . Only did one race went for a bit of free sailing afterwards, in general a good day
Adrian Levy (6406km):
352 days ago 2 categories   Tabou Manta 59 Tectonic 28 Gaastra Vapor 6.4 Fun arvo sail with the team very light few gusts Sans Souci, NSW, AU
craig cole (7118km):
352 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU
Club racing,had a bit on with a 9.5 but the wind backed off to a nice breeze.