Flex (19138km):
191 days ago Boombas, WA, AU Glorious cruise in the sun with Waricle and Gloria. Took a while to rig up as had to fit the warp sail V2, tell tales and warp fin V4. Wind seemed to be dying and just as I went out was concentrating on not knocking the fin but manged to snag the sail warp arms which in turn broke the 3D printed mounting so then spent some time dismantling contraption (need to fill with epoxy). Suffice to say Waricle probably got the best wind but finally got out. The fin as expected wasn't great and the active warp control seemed to be not engaging plus wind was too light for this board so came in to switch to bigger board and fin. In prep for tomorrow chop fest went out on 31fin to test for weed bergs. No tugs. Of course wind decided to die when I was on the far side of Roberts Bay so a slow chug back. Then came rain and Boz. Much better than yesterday. iSonic 86/97, KAR 7, FF22V4warp, 31TWS