Flex (20321km):
64 days ago  Princess Royal Harbour, WA, AU. Shoal bay, arrived to find unknown sailor struggling on 7m but lovely sunny conditions. Put the word out to Aquaman but turns out he was having his nana nap. Since I hadn't packed big guns, turned around to get the big gear and unload the small stuff. Went out on 8.6 and wind booted, hung on for a few laps but wind changed gear again. Unknown sailor now cruising about nicely so came in and got some drone footage of him and scouted out new found speed spot with the drone. Then wind booted still further with dark front approaching. Kicking myself for not bringing the small gear but rigged the smallest I had. Went out as mega squal hit, managed to ride it without dying..wind was mental for 2 laps then eased off a bit. Aquaman turned up which killed the wind, well, more like on again/off again...Aquaman procrasting but eventually went out so came in to get some footage of him with the drone. Went out again but wind/chop was too much for my setup so called it. iSonic97, SvT8.6 then 7mSvR8proto, FF22(18)