Pointman (27215km):
18 days ago 1 categories  Pelican Point, WA, AU
That was underwhelming.
Got down to Peli around 4:20 and the wind looked pretty patchy, but evidentlty there were some strong gusts (reports from the water).
Rigged the Hydro 85 + 560 + 7.8, which was about right.
First hour was pretty solid, then, when I had made my way upwind to Melville, it died in the ass.
Took me 30 minutes to dog downwind when it switched off.
I scored one good bear-off into Majestic, but there was no decent pressure up at Melville.
Nice to share a couple of drags with Mike...he smoked me 
So a bit of a dud sesh, but still nice to get out. 
