Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Duane Hayes | | | | | | |
Morgs | | | | | | |
Pete | | | | | | |
Paul AUS729 | | | | | | |
Macey | | | | | | |
evilC | | | | | | |
Cocky | | | | | | |
B-rad | | | | | | |
sharpey | | | | | | |
Ezza | | | | | | |
SIMON | | | | | | |
BC |
mkseven |
Cootharabean |
Azuli |
Fin Boy |
Richie Fish |
dunin |
Average | 41.32 | 39.02 | 18.18 | 23.44 | 26.55 | 91.46 |
Duane Hayes (2647km):
3272 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
Morgs (1363km):
3272 days ago Manly, QLD, AU Naish Kailua 180, Naish 6m sail and bp 45
Pete (131754km):
3272 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU. Lot of wind shifts & variation in strength. Atomic100/34FO/Naish5.8Noah.
Paul AUS729 (12451km):
3272 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
Great session on 5m Volt and 86L freewave. Nice to see so many out.
Macey (10430km):
3272 days ago Manly, QLD, AU. 80,6,30. quick sail in Rose Bay, fun with Paul.
evilC (66793km):
3272 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
Kode77, NF4.7, FO23
A great day, more tomorrow :)
Cocky (61040km):
3272 days ago Manly, QLD, AU. 96 Freewave / 5m Force / 26 Freewave. Fantastic day , wind ,sunshine and fun with many of the crew out jumping today.
B-rad (33434km):
3272 days ago Kite Island Moreton.
Leo called it again, said he'd found a sandbank that would work on a SSE wind and he was right. Late tide so sailed till sunset.
Awesome boys trip with Leo & Simon. Thanks for the invite.
FF99, R7 6.3 & 32BP
sharpey (3108km):
3272 days ago Moreton Island, QLD, AU
Isonic 87/6.2 R7/ BP 32.5
Trip to Moreton with Brad and Young Simon
Good arvo out with the boys, shame steve couldn't join us today
Ezza (11865km):
3272 days ago The wind filled in strong and steady.............or so it looked until I hit the water, it was super gusty and all over the place. Great to sail with Peter, Jason, Tony, Kevin, Roger and a few others
RRD 114, Koncept 5.8, Select S1 elliptical 29
Marine Parade, Southport, QLD, AU
SIMON (11412km):
3272 days ago 2 categories   Moreton Island, QLD, AU
Great day with leo and brad , I tried a 6m sail today on the 97l and it definitely felt alot easier to get those speeds than with the 7
6.3m reflex , isonic 97 , bp r 33.75