Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Shane | | | | | | |
Ben | | | | | | |
Chriso | | | | | | |
Rolz | | | | | | |
Davo | | | | | | |
Vando |
Steve200 |
Steve1001 |
Flashman |
Mr Keen |
Average | 36.00 | 34.16 | 22.65 | 23.14 | 33.38 | 82.03 |
Shane (16357km):
665 days ago The S/SouthEaster looked so promising at 11am, 11:30am, but it was not to be..
The dropouts became longer in duration and at times, wind swung to SSW. Under encroaching cloud cover, and a small shower squall, wind completely dropped out for over an hour. A Dismal day of sailing in the end.
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Ben (8511km):
665 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
7.0 duo
99l nove
34f atomic
Brilliant day got plenty of runs down the bank. Felt a little more punchy down the bank earlier on, then swung a little more south and could get back up to the top wash out in one run from the bottom marker. Got close to the bank as possible. Great day!
Thanks to the Burrum crew and mates for a great social gathering.
Chriso (17510km):
665 days ago Another top day at Burrum, a little cooked after a few days sailing and not sail fit so couldn't hoe in as much I was would have liked but still fun!
ISO90, M4-7, T34
Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
Rolz (12481km):
665 days ago day 4, super sore but survived burrum with one PB :)
7m Severne M3 iso97 34 Tribal
Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
Davo (10579km):
665 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU Isonic 65, 6.5, 33.
Blown off the water.