Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Boz | | | | | | |
Flex | | | | | | |
Antman | | | | | | |
Pointman | | | | | | |
Slowboat | | | | | | |
Doddi |
Jay |
Stretch |
Woody-Mark |
Pos |
kai |
Richo 72 |
Al |
Rondog |
Tim |
Lucca |
Average | 37.40 | 34.53 | 17.11 | 22.41 | 27.78 | 69.02 |
Boz (45948km):
13 days ago 2 categories   Melville Beach, WA, AU
Better than a kick in the guts, some nice bullets but hard to line up. Started on 6.3 changed to 5.7 just to see the differance, went from 34 to 37 but probably just a lucky gust
KA5.7 6.3 AV&8
Flex (19924km):
13 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU. Big turn out, too many to mention and nice cruise in the sun. Was going to rig smaller for the forecast but first out Richo was struggling on 6.9 so went bigger. Wind didn't really seem to boot as expected, maybe should have stayed at Melville but was fun crusing around. That pesky Fingers almost took me out on my last lap, he was totally focused on a naughty mission and I was heading hard upwind. Just saw him in peripheral vision at the last instant and beared away hard to dodge him..he didn't even notice and kept on trucking. iSonic86, 7mSv R8, FF22(18)
Antman (26097km):
13 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU
Quite a Few crew out enjoying the warm waters of coodsville. Good to see Richo back on board and Bob in his boardies :) Was hoping for more power but happy to take whats on offer. Driven by the 7.0 SCR,53 Rapid, 27 ws.
Pointman (26576km):
13 days ago Majestic Point, WA, AU
Nice sesh at Foilville, powered up on the small kit...Hydro 85 + 550 + 5.0.
Tacked up to Melville and went for a few speed runs in the flats, and tried for some alphas.
Happy with a 21, it's my first 20K+ alpha for the season, so it's overdue!
Breeze started to back off around 6, so I missioned downwind before the switch-off.
Fun sesh 
