Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
kato | | | | | | |
Shelby | | | | | | |
Mathew Robertson | | | | | | |
Nic R | | | | | | |
Sailquik |
Seahorse |
Spotty |
Mr Love |
Mal Wright |
Tom Chalko |
Peter Johnston |
Stuart Eustice |
Ado |
Mal Faulkner |
andrew dickenson |
Pip (Old codger) |
Brad |
Chinaman |
Dazzer |
Tempest |
Tone |
supernan |
SeaSkip |
Johndog |
Neil Maskiell |
Hajime |
PMosse |
Dazman |
Troppo |
Sunshinesailorgirl |
Josh |
fordy007 |
Phee |
Adrian |
Average | 37.77 | 35.90 | 8.67 | 18.80 | 18.88 | 29.31 |
kato (38079km):
6406 days ago Started at 6.45am to get a run before work and drifted untill 10 min before i had to leave ,got 1 run,1 jybe.Finished work by 2pm ,fading wind and incomming tide so i concentrated on Alphas.GPS didn,t want to record any tracks.What black cat did I kill.2 Gps dead in 2 sessions I hope the rest of the team sailed
Shelby (3731km):
6406 days ago Blew a radiator hose on the way to the pit and did the last hundred K's on 4 out of 6 cylinders.But got there a bit concerned at 12 to find Matt out and some sand whistling off the top of the dune(20+).Put up the 6.2 again(my biggest) and caught about four or five rain squalls of 20+ with half hour spells of not much in the middle.
Got the car home on the smell of an oily bourbon.
Happy days.
Mathew Robertson (8362km):
6406 days ago Quite a nice day - dare I say, it was warm even... well 11 deg. water and air, but at least the sun came out occasionally.
Got on the water by about 10:30, then managed about half a dozen runs before myself and the wind died off around 12:30. It blew about 18-25kn, dead west - managed a GPS peak of 38.1.
The westerly wind direction made starts a little slow, but is was the taking back upwind that was exhausting, especially with the cold'ish water and that I haven't sailed for 2 months. The longer I sailed the more west it got, so much so, that the last run required 12 tacks, before I gave up and walked back.
Its nice to get out in the middle of winter - didn't even have to get the heat-packs out!
And Shelby turned up for a quick blast too, allowing us to at least get *some* points for this month.
Nic R (13km):
6404 days ago First sail since I hurt my back. Frustrating out of form, couldn't come to grips with the wind and high tide conditions. I figured I'd better get in session for the team and it looks like so did everyone else.