Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Lyn | | | | | | |
Herby | | | | | | |
Sausage | | | | | | |
Firiebob | | | | | | |
Freddy Burke | | | | | | |
Jason | | | | | | |
Gaz | | | | | | |
Billy Green Island | | | | | | |
Toody | | | | | | |
Eddy | | | | | | |
Troppo |
Rowdy |
Sailpilot |
dr cam |
Rossco |
Hoppybob |
Kel |
Regs |
Locky |
Peter AUS466 |
Al |
Flying Dutchman |
Luca Sansalone |
Pacman |
Squid Lips |
Sharyn |
James |
Richard Reynolds: Rico |
Billy |
Trojan |
Dave |
Richo |
Andrew |
Brynoz |
Ian |
Snorkel962 |
Gustfront |
Bindi |
Kiera |
Benny McCarthy |
Islandboydaz |
boxy |
binny |
Alvadave |
Pencil Neck |
Average | 35.10 | 32.95 | 16.08 | 21.29 | 25.08 | 83.06 |
Lyn (9418km):
4922 days ago Tinaroo Dam....When the gusts came they were pretty good but long lulls in between. 5.9m Loft 02 and 105l Screamer

Herby (14385km):
4922 days ago Tinaroo Dam with Lyn and Hans.....Lyn had a much smaller sail but put it all over me. I used 7.4m Loft 02 and 120l S/cross

Sausage (22853km):
4922 days ago iS101, 7.8 Blade, 40 Talon - Lammermoor Beach, QLD, AU Wind SSE 13 - 18knots
First real go with this combo and just needed a little more wind to make it really enjoyable (not as much as yesterday) - it was really up and down due to there being a lot of south in it. Quite surprised just how well a biggish sail goes on the 101. Great way to finish off a Monday.

Firiebob (18118km):
4922 days ago KA72 - Holloways Beach, QLD, AU
Wow what an awesome sail, had so much fun. It started off very ordinary (was spewing) then the wind kicked in, I have to say it doesn't get better, felt like I was on the edge, I love my Mn's but was pooping myself so didn't give it my best, maybe I'm too old. Had 31.97 on the dial and really wanted a 32 but got too rooted with my last 2 water starts so woosed out and called it a day, I'll blame 2 busy night shifts 
I was watching Jason flying off the wind, he definitely looks the goods, watched him turn upwind into a ramp and get some awesome air, that gave me the biggest smile as I knew he was having a ball, he will be the one to watch in the future 
I kept thinking how lucky the GI crew will be, expecting some great numbers 
Carbon Art SL58, Venom 34, 6.8 Loft Blade and Boardies, very nice set up.

Freddy Burke (12114km):
4922 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU
Wind was quite strong so waited till tide was ok for eastern runs....about 1-30pm
Thanks Hoppy for your support and Gaz for coaching.
Good to catch up with Eddy and young Billy who both had a great day.
SL55 and LOFT 6.6
Jason (1168km):
4922 days ago Wind came in nicely sailed with Bob good fun to be had by all. Firie was sailing like a machine nearly 32kts at Holloways very impressive I don't know how he does it - NO FEAR
Holloways Beach, QLD, AU
Gaz (13974km):
4922 days ago CA53/CA50/Exocet50, Delta 23/25, Koncept 6.4, Green Island.
Big congrats to Freddy, Edd and Billy for all improving there speeds and Jason.
Awesome day at Green.
Billy Green Island (1426km):
4922 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU
5.5 sail, 110 board
Awesome day had so much fun..! bit disapointed it turned out to be 29.77.. 1 second peak was 30.09!.. I was quite happy to have broken 30.. but oh well.. theres still tomorow :D
Also thanks belinda for lending me your GPS :D

Toody (4147km):
4922 days ago Tide was to high for a speed session so opted for the bump and jump gear
4.7 Gator & 80 Kode
Green Island, QLD, AU

Eddy (24342km):
4922 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU.Big day at Green, wind was gusty in morning around 25kts, could not get my act together lost alot of time in the morning waiting for tide to come in a bit ,did a few more runs got tuned up.Was having a good hard blast but getting very out of shape trying to do speed runs,Gaz pulled me up and showed me the line to take to get some speed, was having a great session,then i had a major wide out on a speed run,hit the water so hard it tore GPS off my arm and hurt my ribs which were just starting to come good from going over the handle bars on dirt bike a few weeks ago.Had a bit of a sook,but managed to keep sailing untill knock of time,had a great day with the boys.Saw Green Island as i have never seen it before..Was unreal..Cheers Ed..