Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Choco | | | | | | |
Joe | | | | | | |
Dave M | | | | | | |
Kimba | | | | | | |
Hamma | | | | | | |
Chris Reiffel |
Norman Clarke |
Dr Duck |
Dazz |
Kym Manning |
Ricky Hamood |
Kaz |
Dee |
Warren Mudge |
PK |
Hayden M |
danny |
Pineapple |
Stan |
Average | 42.78 | 39.96 | 20.61 | 25.28 | 35.74 | 121.99 |
Choco (14599km):
5671 days ago 1 categories  Loft Blade 7.5m-Manta 67 34 venom-Loft Blade proto 6.2m Carbonart 50 wind 20-30+knts Clayton
Great sail today couldn't get any high speeds like the other guys seemed to be stuck in one gear but had so much fun,course was very square for most of the day although the gusts were shifting in direction at times
Expect a whole lot of PB's from the other team members
Joe (4957km):
5671 days ago
15-25 with gusts 30-35 NW
Tb 58, select 29, Koncept 4.4
top Day out. had a classic stack . A gust lifted me of the water and threw me .
Damage One broken Harness line and thre top pannels on the koncept.
two PB's and a great day
Thanks Sam & Geoff for working and keeping the country going while I went sailing
Dave M (3969km):
5671 days ago KA 5.0, Lorch S83, Venom 26. Wind 15-20 Gusts 30-35
Good day out, very up and down but it was still good. spent most of the day on the gear above, did a few runs on the KA 5.8 and the Carve, but the gusts were too big for me and faster on the small gear.
Kimba (8195km):
5671 days ago The most fun I have had for a long while as far as sessions go.
Started on the CA44 - RSR6.7 - Caspar27 then swapped boards for the JP V 60 for a few alphas and back on the stick again. I haven't done this many km's on a speed board before but the runs are longer so there is ess time out of the harness. Got some piccys and vids that I will post when I get the chance.
Everyone had a great session, congrats to Choco and Joe on the PB's. Im sure there are some yet to be posted.
Great day.
Hamma (12038km):
5670 days ago Tabou Manta 59,RS 6.2 EVO 11,tectonic f1 26/ CA 44 RS 5.5, EVO 11,C3 venom 24
Very square coase.So happy to see a 44 on the screen.Should of carried on with some of the good peaks for nm,wore my self out to early.
Great day.