Captain bogan (50839km):
4787 days ago 1 categories  What a 1st days sailing for 2012 at Boggy Lake. Early start with Sam. After a wine and a quick dip to cool off the wind slowly picked up. Sam had 2 fishing rods set up and in a short time had snagged a big one:-

Then i caught my 1st fish ever followed by second one and then the biggest of the day :-

Between us we caught 6 in total and 6 more for us to not hit . After this the wind had picked up to 15 - 20 so we headed out. A short time later the wind cranked to 20 - 25 with some 30 knot gusts. I have for a long time wanted a 37 knot peak at Boggy 1 and after glugging after Sam had taken off i got hold of a 30 knot gust and it pulled me hard downwind. At the end of the run i thought it was a reasonable peak and saw 37.74 (this was 10 sec) on the screen and then flashed off and displayed 39.01. Very happy with this peak through the middle of Boggy Lake . At the end of the day we saw a tiger snake in the middle of the lake Sam warned me after seeing it and i almost run over it and so did he .
Boggy lake - 20 - 25 knots with occasional 30 knot gusts. PB for slalom board and peak, average and nautical at Boggy 1 .
Isonic 86 / 6.3m loft racing blade and 29cm s07.
P.s Sam you still got me on the 5 x 10 - we should have kept going a bit longer and nice alpha - i had a 24 at 100m - too wide - you were cranking on the 7m as usual .
