Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Trousers | | | | | | |
PJ | | | | | | |
Jimbob | | | | | | |
X | | | | | | |
hoppybogan | | | | | | |
Retired Bogan | | | | | | |
Tricky Bogan | | | | | | |
Choco |
Chris Reiffel |
Norman Clarke |
Joe |
Dave M |
Dr Duck |
Dazz |
Kym Manning |
Ricky Hamood |
Kaz |
Dee |
Warren Mudge |
PK |
Hayden M |
danny |
Pineapple |
Stan |
Average | 40.03 | 37.83 | 22.73 | 23.07 | 30.58 | 88.50 |
Trousers (14352km):
3644 days ago Boggy Lake, SA, AU
It didn't peak like we thought so my GPS 6.0 proved slightly small, but I still spent most of my time planing with a small crew of regulars. Unfortunately it wasn't consistent enough to trust the 78l, so Matra100l/select35cm combo gave me a good alternative to sitting in the office this afternoon.
PJ (24612km):
3644 days ago 18-02-15 Boggy Lake-SW 16-18 knots-Exocet S3-Blade 7m-Elite 39cm
Absolutely could not gybe today at all... Was a nice 7m wind range however:-)
Jimbob (26496km):
3643 days ago 2 categories   LG SSE good wind.
JP 54 slalom, 4.9 loft blade, 21 decrepit then 25 vector weedys.
just spent some time on the 70 litre slalom to get some setups, was a sweet session but no flat water.
got stuck in the 39's and just couldnt get that bit more even when changing fins.
alphas next time on this board as its been a while since iv'e actually gone for numbers.
good to have tricky and hoppy staying and Sammy around and the perk boys, couple nights on the scotch talking crap.

X (4599km):
3643 days ago Wind was a bit light and full of holes was about half an hour before the wind picked up enough to plane. Lasted about half an hour then dropped out After I got back to shore the wind started picking up again but I had to go.
Bic techno 293, Simmer Style Vmax 8.6, BPF Type R 50

hoppybogan (26584km):
3643 days ago 1 categories  Lake George, SA, AU
Thought the speed board was the go but struggled to gybe properly at the ends. Re-aquainted myself with the mud and weed and ran out of puff so called it quits early. Stood on the shore and watched the others having a blast and was inspired by the Tassie lads, who are awesome! Tricky was getting more PBs and getting good reward for effort again.
Retired Bogan (6747km):
3643 days ago Boggy Lake, SA, AU Frustrating day, great forecast, didnt happen, when it did it was all over the place and choppy. Good number down for a week day. Severne 6.5NCX on Exercet 58. Still any day on the water beats working
Tricky Bogan (22211km):
3642 days ago  LakeGeorge day 2, Todays Mission was Hour on the Isonic 87 CWSP25 HotGPS 5.2 worked up to 5mile drift & started a down wind hr, it was choppy as in the middle got down to the run from cockies & it was soother in the middle should have just stayed here, after 40 min i noticed my sail wapped around the boom , dam ajustable out haul sliped i thought and went to tension & notice the clew had ripped out of my sail decied to tough it out as I had a dam good hr so far, was a battle with the sail so bagged out, then at the 55 min mark I had a sailor pullup in my jybe area so I tried to jybe inside them & blew it GRRRR, water starter & back into it, the bagged sail was getting harder to handle so didnt finnish off with a down winder as planed as I would have struggled getting back up wind. Sailed straight in & announced that I was F@#ed for the rest of the day !! Sammy offered me his 5.4 & Jeff offered me his 5.5 as the 5.5 was rigged so I refuled with water Coke & cherrie ripe and grabbed the Isonic 49 Speed CWSW22.5 GPS5.5 & headded up to the 5mile , by the time I adjuested the boom hight , harnes lines I was worn out battleing with the mud. Never got settled on borrowed sail so headed home before I did the deraded "last run" & broke something. Great Day execelent company & a good night at the Boompas The Clockwood fins are amazing after 2 days sailing the performace was rock solid ! and super quick
Edit - corrected the 5x read the wrong numbers 39 was a bit close to my peak