Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Windrider | | | | | | |
roodog | | | | | | |
Coala Bear | | | | | | |
Nelson d Foiler | | | | | | |
Annie |
Borgy |
Darryl |
Scott |
Nauli |
Cheryl |
Glenno |
Damo |
wog |
Fatmatt |
col |
Jacqui |
Shane |
Windrose |
windy74 |
Jester |
Subs |
Taj |
Mochero |
Simon |
Russ |
Average | 34.21 | 31.01 | 11.13 | 21.68 | 22.67 | 53.91 |
Windrider (12879km):
6232 days ago Cross 84, Storm 5.25, Cross 26cm fin - seemed to have reached the limit of my equipment at just short of 30knots. Maybe time for new gear! Also need to get my own GPS as I cant rely on being able to borrow Coala's.
roodog (9007km):
6232 days ago Great day again high tide over the sand bar, ripped head open again on battern in gbye .Isonic 50 in its own when its flat , again very gusty . All or nothing!!!!!
Coala Bear (172km):
6231 days ago Nova 165 Microwave 2.5 fairly windy probably needed a bigger sail.
Nelson d Foiler (31868km):
6231 days ago 96L F2 stoke, 27.5 LE Weedy, 6.5 T-bird & Hydro Slimline Boom
Sailed like a gumby for a good part of the day & got caught out with no wind a few times out the back, even had to up-haul!
Managed to pick a couple of good gusts at the right time.
Alpha 500 has been revised - Checked it again and Claude was right, a little too good to be true.