Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Nauli | | | | | | |
Borgy | | | | | | |
Scott | | | | | | |
Cheryl | | | | | | |
Shane | | | | | | |
Annie | | | | | | |
Jacqui | | | | | | |
Nelson d Foiler |
Windrider |
Coala Bear |
Darryl |
Glenno |
Damo |
wog |
Fatmatt |
col |
Windrose |
windy74 |
Jester |
Subs |
Taj |
Mochero |
Simon |
Russ |
Average | 31.07 | 29.48 | 18.43 | 21.17 | 22.81 | 78.14 |
Nauli (22132km):
4446 days ago Reflex II 7.8; RRD X-F 102; Chco FB 40 @ Melville.
Really nice afternoon though pretty choppy while yachts were around. My top 5 NM were within 0.5 Kt and all had at least 1 bottom line is that there were plenty of holes out in the middle...
Borgy (16631km):
4446 days ago Futura 122, 7.8m Lightning, 44cm Canefire
Really nice afternoon in the sun. Very thoughtful of Annie to let me park nelsons van where the old marker used to be. That white roof really shows up well as you sail over it.
Scott (5272km):
4446 days ago Futura 111, Lightning 7.8, 32 Weedie - Nice little sail and the knee held up!
Cheryl (8232km):
4446 days ago Nanga, WA, AU, The Hook, Tabou 95L Ka Koncept 4.9 m,
What an adventure! One hours drive through bush to the secret spot. Pretty happy with greater than 30 knots, still two weeks to go!
Shane (9372km):
4446 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
7.8 Reflex, Isonic 101, Sonntag 38
Annie (14073km):
4446 days ago 6.5M T4, 120Lt Firestorm then 94Lt Exocet Cross
I felt like my gybing on the firestorm was crap but it was not that bad after all
Alpha on the Firestorm, NM on the Cross
Thanks to Scottie for collecting me & the gear & also to Borgy for remodelling the inside of his van to help with the trip home.
Fun in the sun - Pop Nelson will be really jealous
Jacqui (389km):
4446 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
6.2 Tushi Storm, 133L Hypersonic, 34cm Drake
I'm sorry not to get in a good after-session chat but only just managed to squeeze in a quick sail before family dinner. Glad the knee's holding up Scotty! Nice work on the 30+ Cheryl! PB tomorrow?