Michael Harris (1478km):
5492 days ago 1 categories  CA xr68, MFC 38cm. Simmer 07 7.0m Meola Reef, Auckland Harbour.
Easterly 18-25kn ? A windy day for Auckland. Decided the east coast would be too rough and would try the upper harbour.
Launched from Pt Chev Beach 1 1/2 hrs before low. Never sailed from here before but the access was quite good down a short hill from the road parking on Harbour View Rd. The walk back at dead low was a bit further but quite managable and at least its all sand/ hard mud not like the normal Pt Chev launch further south down the peninsular. The best part was it's only a short sail of 100m or so out of the lee of Pt Chev to reach the wind line in an easterly.
It was hard to judge the wind speed from Pt Chev and I regretted having the 7.0m once I was out there. 6.5 or 6.2 would have been better.
Decided to try and concentrate on keeping planing to get the 1 hour speed up but managed to fall 3 or 4 times in gybes during the 1 hour so can do better but still nice to get some pb's. Where was everyone? Lonely sailing on my own!