Michael (icesurf) (267km):
5457 days ago
- 500m = 36.46knots
- Lynfield, 15-28knots, WSW-SSW, (broad at 1st then square after the wind kicked in)
- 50cm Speed Board, ka koncept 5.7m, Fin ka 23cm & falcon 22cm
New custom speed board suited for light winds with bigger sail.
At 1st Fin too big, changed fin - then fin too small (no lift) for board.
Craigs Assys Fin wins again.
Chris Parkinson (1758km):
5456 days ago 1 categories  BigWorld Speed veneer 54, BigWorld 28?, RS4 5.4. Lynfield, GT31
Another great day at Lynfield with 4 of the team making it. Big thumbs up to Craig (Loomo) who, dispite recently having surgery on thumb and wearing knee braces and the like, smokes down the course at his usual +40 speeds. Big thanks to Michael for the deals on the KA gear/GT31 and to Bruce for the generours donations! Not enough runs in it for me today since it was a bit more of test and tune to get a getting a baseline with the new GT31. Interesting to note the following (but not really accurate since that each unit was on different arms)-
Max 2 sec speed - Foretrex 2 sec Max (GPSRV6) 37.227
Max 2 sec speed - GT31 (GPsV6) 35.79
(all posted results GT31)
MartinJE (4408km):
5456 days ago 2 categories   Lynfield - CA SP53, Venom 280, mb @ -1; Koncept 5m0 - for conditions we had should have gone 5m8 - forecast was for 40kn gusts ... Still so much to learn, and unlearn ... Great to see the others up close & blasting - well done on the PBs!
Loomo (122km):
5456 days ago Board, Loomo 44, Sail, NP RSR 5.8, Fin, Loomo 18 Assy. Thumb taping, Elastoplast, Knee Brace, Push PSB, Underwear, Commando!
Just to correct Chris' misunderstanding about the thumb.. I have not had the operation yet, still waiting for a slot in the surgeons list, so just straped it up to stop it flopping about. As I can sail with the broken ligament (surgeon's description), I might not have the opp and avoid missing out on sailing due to 4 weeks in the plaster cast after the opp and another 4 weeks of recovery after the cast is off..
Nice to get out after 4 weeks of rest, seriously lacking in fitness especially on the left side the side with the torn Ulnar lig. The wind angle started off perfect, nice and broad but the breeze was light, then the breeze filled in but the angle swung making the track very tight. The fastest run was when the wind was light but atthe correct angle. The baby fin was tops on the right tack but a we bit difficult getting back up the track on the wrong tack with low fitness, only one solution...get out and sail more. Niced to get a PB on the Nautical mile. Good to see most of the lads in the team out there, good on ya guys!. We all missed you out on the track Brucey. Chirs T was looking awsome on the kite. Hopefully we get another go on Sunday, fingers crossed!