Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Vux-Prx | | | | | | |
PEKA | | | | | | |
pancho | | | | | | |
Brane | | | | | | |
juka | | | | | | |
Sookol | | | | | | |
Sandro |
eightbft |
Jabuka |
Petar |
MarinA |
Marin the Playboy |
Average | 32.53 | 29.74 | 11.90 | 20.68 | 22.42 | 48.77 |
Vux-Prx (485km):
5277 days ago Karin, HR
JP SS 118, Ezzy 7.0, Select 37
PEKA (15014km):
5277 days ago Karin, HR
rrd x-fire 112,simmer scr 7.0,select caspar speed 35
bura as allways,unpredictable,from 0 to 25...kts
pancho (216km):
5277 days ago Karin, HR
first post
sonic 100,simmer scr 5.7,select sl7 31
Brane (14880km):
5277 days ago Karin, HR RRD X-Fire 112lit + Simmer SCR 7,0m2 , Select S10 35cm - Thanks Prki and Peka for GPS!!! Welcome Petre ( only 13y ) - Pancho super PB for 13 years!!!
juka (8358km):
5277 days ago murter,
is 101 vapor6,7 S09 37
is 122 vapor 90 S10 47 wake up too late as always, however very nice on the water, first with isonics than some school for my wife on formula and whole afternoon beneteau 25, perfect day, first time with gt31 still gpsresults giving better alfa nometter of doppler, my wife went crasy when she saw gt31 and said you sold that nice one for this ugly
Sookol (7160km):
5276 days ago 1 categories  Karin, HR
fanatic falcon 95, simmer scr 7,0, select sl08 33
unfortunatelly underpowered, waitting for my 112 lit. board.