Serge Beumer (6317km):
4779 days ago 2 categories   Wow! What a times set by Jacques!!!! Congratyulations, well deserved.
The course was pretty much square and I had difficulties not to get blown away in the gusts that were really strong today. My weight is a disadvanatge on square courses, so no chance for me today to get a great average in, so I decided to go for my other goal: entering the 90km/h club. Mu pewrsonal best until today was 47.25kts/87.5km/h and by slingshotting at the end of the ruin I managed to climb from a low 81 via a high 85, then 87.30, 88.07 to a final 90.27 km/h or 48.5 kts on the dial which is corrected to 90.22. So afterall a happy boy!
Great place, nice folks, nice trip a usual with martin.