Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Joost | | | | | | |
Danny Verhaar | | | | | | |
Marcel Hooijmans | | | | | | |
Leon | | | | | | |
Nathan Teljeur | | | | | | |
johan | | | | | | |
Roland Ruskauff | | | | | | |
Marco B |
Paulus |
Dennis Verschoor |
Forza |
Frank |
Joris |
Marco H |
Average | 37.59 | 34.94 | 12.89 | 21.08 | 24.30 | 74.22 |
Joost (332km):
5011 days ago 1 categories  Gusty wind at the lake of Oostvoorne ( south Holland ). The wind was 6 bft and my RRD X fire 112 and 6.4 Ka Koncept was a bit too big. Stupid because I sold my Tabou Manta 64 recently and that would have been the perfect board today. We had a super day with the ZB team with a lots op pr's! Unfortunately not for me...
Looks promising for the next runs this season!
Danny Verhaar (5706km):
5011 days ago 2 categories  
Marcel Hooijmans (13577km):
5011 days ago
Leon (567km):
5011 days ago
Nathan Teljeur (2303km):
5011 days ago 2 categories  
johan (1343km):
5010 days ago fanatic falcon speed 51 np rs racing 6.2 hurricane speed/slalom28.
Hogere snelheden mogelijk maar dan moet de wind wat constanter zijn.
Roland Ruskauff (1678km):
5008 days ago Great day at Oostvoorne. The entire SpeedTeam was present. We did have a great time on the water and I am very stoked with my PB of 35.48 Knots