JP/NP Mob Netherlands (S, Netherlands) - 2010-10-21
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Jacques van der Hout
Ben van der Steen
Jacques van der Hout (28396km):
4944 days ago
6 categories

Again not faster than PdW, frustrating? No, he needs to win with NeilPryde and that's just what he is doing, congratulations Peter. For me a new experience with my 7,0 and a 23cm fin. Started with a stiffer and longer fin and everytime i hit a gust the board lifted instead of accelerated. Was not able to make runs higher than 73,5 km/h. I didn't believe the Slingshot 23 was a good choice with this sail size, but i was wrong. I changed the fin after i had 5 simular runs with the other fin and i directly made my two best runs in 5 minutes time with the Slingshot 23. This was super easy, like on my small speedboard, i was accelerating in the gusts instead of lifting, and i was able to sail very close to the beach were it was undeep. The wind died after these 2 runs so i was not able to make 3 more runs. Hans, Peter and Ben for example are stong and heavy guys who are able to go fast with stif and straight fins, i learned the last years that this is not my type of sailing. I just want to glide over the water and accelerate, my legs are not strong enough compared to those guys. So i learned enough today to be ready for the NK series on this same spot. Happy with my 500 meter, i hope nobody will be faster.....

Ben van der Steen (3011km):
4943 days ago
4 categories

not a good USM for me , did  not sail this spot for 3 years and lost my tuning . Took me about 3 hours to get sorted on the tuning and smacked my fin into a rock . So had to go back to the beach and missed the best gusts of the day . did get 3 gusts in the last 2 hours of the period when i found my tuning but it was to late and the wind dropped so no more runs . Better luck next timeÂ
