denisspb (9772km):
2867 days ago
Washoe Lake, NV, US
Manta 115L, Koncept 7.5, Spitfire 42cm
Today I sailed with GW-60 first time, but these numbers are from GT-31. Don't know if I can trust GW-60 at all. I've read all those posts from Peter, Roo and other guys after Boris posted his session at Pyramid Lake, and I never use under-grip on my front hand but numbers still way off.
Max speed on a watch was over 70kts, as you can see 2 sec looks unreal as well, 5x10 is close, 1hr close, nautical mile is close, 100m on GT-31 was 30.096kts unlike 36.6 on GW-60, Alpha is way off too and I'm sure GT-31 shows it right GW-60 is almost half off...!? I don't know...
And the glitch with max speed I think happened twice because I saw other 50 first and then over 70kts.
I used KA72 to upload both logs from GT-31 (which is posted here) and from GW-60, here are the numbers for GW-60:
2 Second Peak (kts): |
59.882 |
5x10 Average (kts): |
29.094 |
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (1) |
30.109 |
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (2) |
29.802 |
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (3) |
28.936 |
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (4) |
28.372 |
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (5) |
28.253 |
1 Hr (kts): |
13.848 |
Alpha 500 (kts): |
11.349 |
Nautical Mile (kts): |
26.254 |
100m peak (kts): |
36.608 |
Total Distance (km): |
49.532 |