Peter (48917km):
1639 days ago 32 knots on a freestyle board. Fun session at Egg Island. Had the whole place for myself, all 440 meters of it . Tried to take Gonzalo along but it took him too long to rig down from 4.7 to 4.2.
Kalmus & Egg Island, Cape Cod. Skate 110, Matrix 5.5, MUF Weedie 22. That's only the second time I did 30+ knots on this board, board PB for 2 s, 5x10, alpha. Maybe I should windsurf more often again.
Kipps (3990km):
1639 days ago not quite flat-Stick: water was rather rough and a run was either let the gear fly in a short flat section and square up (passenger mode), or weave together troughs of the 30-40cm ramps that would sometimes break (slow driving mode)
kit was working well mostly – and 5 PBs (by GPSSS tracking) are nothing to sneeze at…
…i guess an attempt at my 10-yo hour record will have to wait some more.
iS75/ 5.5OD/ RT27.5