Shelby (3731km):
5357 days ago Got to the PiT just before mid-day,did a fair bit of waiting for the wind to come up,scored a couple of rain squalls and had to leave at 3.30 just as it was filling in
As I was leaving it was a good sight with good wind and plenty out using it well,including the boat of slowness himself
RSR 5.8,JP sp45,Kassy 21.5
kato (38079km):
5357 days ago 1 categories  The wind was a bit slow in arriving, i guess it had to wait for Slowy to turn up Had some good squalls of 30kts but i missed quite a few of them down the wrong end. Watched Matt emerge through a sand storm and blast down the course.I kept stalling the sail mid course,making the runs a little slow at times. Still learning more ways to go slow,but managed to find enough fast runs to count.
CA40,Ka 5.8 for most of the runs and a few slow runs with the 5,Ka 21 assy
Peter Johnston (8890km):
5356 days ago Ten degrees or less, driving rain, sand-blasted faces, and in one squall it even felt like hail blasting my face, packing up in the dark, cold and wet. Why? Well, it sure beats work, and the chance to hang out with a few mates and chase the awesome adrenaline rush of hurtling down the speed run. Where else would I be on a stormy WSW winter day if I could possibly get out of work?
I know what you mean Hardie, but if the PiT was your local you'd be pulling 40+ runs most sessions. I too was a bit disappointed not to see a 4 in front of my speeds, whereas 6 months ago I would have been elated at a 39! I tried really hard yesterday but just couldn't get more speed and my runs didn't feel especially fast either. Still hellova good fun though. I was down the run sailing back across the channel when the biggest squall of the day came through. I struggled most of the way across only the channel only to get flattened 20m out from the bank! I need to learn some patience in waiting for the big gusts. I had 5kg of weight on my back yesterday - thanks Mat for the lead! It definitely helped keep the power on in the gusts.
Lorch Div S 63L, KA 20cm assy, 2009 KA Koncept 5m.
Mathew Robertson (8362km):
5355 days ago 1 categories  Got onto a big squall of about 35kn of gusty wind for a 43.92kn.... was hoping for a bit more... but good enough for me. 
Missile XS, Koncept 4.9m, KA 21.5cm assy, 5kg lead, me.