Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Stefan Brouwers | | | | | | |
Anho | | | | | | |
Alex | | | | | | |
André Mook | | | | | | |
Sebastiaan de Bruijn | | | | | | |
Jacques van der Hout |
Ben van der Steen |
Hans Kreisel |
Jeroen Schuitema |
Marcel van Kalken |
Menno Benningshof |
Average | 40.60 | 37.74 | 15.86 | 24.98 | 29.45 | 101.43 |
Stefan Brouwers (24018km):
5328 days ago PR's, did the Alpha's with SXxs. The wind came a lot later than promissed, but still a great day. $0The wind changed to NW and did a great run with Andre. Unfortunately we had to walk back.......almost 2km.....pfff.$0 $0I'm getting used to the missile only need to keep in mind that it's a small board.....stepped of the board a couple times with gybing.$0
Anho (11603km):
5328 days ago 2 goede runs, de rest was hangen en wurgen. Geen idee waar het aan lag. Wel weer tevreden met de Alpha. Veel bekenden op het water.
@Marco: jammer dat je zo snel weg ging. Later werd de wind voldoende hard om aan de binnenkant te varen.
Alex (7315km):
5328 days ago Nice day at Grevelingen lake. One of the first days this year with decent W-wind combined with time.
André Mook (2393km):
5328 days ago Nice day @ Zonnemaire. In the beginning I wasted my time with swimming and praying for wind. When I finally reached the spot I found out that the loose leach was a little bit to much or the wind was just to less. Choose your own favored. After some changes the wind start to blow and I achieved some nice top speeds. The runs were most of the time to short but I had fun. I see that the team also did some nice speeds. Good. Thanks all for the fun.
Sebastiaan de Bruijn (974km):
5322 days ago Wat een rommeltje zeg, eerst de 6.6 gepakt maar bijd e 1ste rak brak m'n trapezetouwtje helaas. Toen de 5.8 dat was krapjes en heel vaak dobberen. Just for the record dus