Astrid (22412km):
5284 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU.
Went to the lake today to try for some distance. Got on the water at 9.30am used 5.3m and JP slalom 84. Wind was easterly and a bit up and down could have rigged bigger in the morning. After lunch squalls got bigger and the last 15nm were in some very big gusts and rail squalls. Never seen the water level so high in the lake, small waves washing up over the grass an close to the road. Gave it away at 3.30pm just not fit enough to go any further, there was still lots of wind and daylight left and I really wanted to get to 100nm
Was really hard work compared to last time I did distance there in a NE seabreeze. when I got to the lake I realised I had brought the wrong harness, I had packed the old wave waist harness instead of the seat, my body is really feeling it today!