Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Sick_em_rex | | | | | | |
the new guy | | | | | | |
Tim Ford | | | | | | |
David Flanagan | | | | | | |
Peter (Wineman) | | | | | | |
Rogues | | | | | | |
Mike | | | | | | |
Larko | | | | | | |
Chris Ting |
Sam Parker |
JB |
Craig Hammond |
table top russ |
Spanners |
Andy B |
Allan Gleeson |
AG1 |
Spencer Harris |
Rossco |
Wysey |
Marty1970 |
Lee Condell |
Eel |
AUS154 |
ayden |
Ndorfin |
Average | 27.77 | 25.93 | 15.39 | 19.50 | 22.94 | 67.92 |
Sick_em_rex (12281km):
5256 days ago 1 categories  Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Went down to Ramsgate to watch the Formula boys and hopefully join in some slalom but they didn't want to play so i just did an hour or so of bump and jump in very holey conditions. Makes a difference from chasing flat water like I always do.
Any sail is a good sail 
the new guy (37732km):
5256 days ago 2 categories   Kyeemagh, NE about 15 knots
Starboard S-Type 126, Loft Switchblade 8.5, 40cm Curtis fin
A lovely sunny day - so nice after a full week of rain. Great runs across to Kurnell with Troy.

Tim Ford (8857km):
5256 days ago Super avo on the Bay. ENE 10-15 with a few bigger gusts.
So good to be out in the sun. Started at the South Ramp with Troy and headed down the to racing. Upon the first upwind leg I discovered the falling off the ladder in the morning at home actually did hurt and my leg and pushing upwind was bloody sore. Headed back up the ramp and just cruised around a bit rather than loading my leg up.
JP F100, RSR 9.8, VMG M75 - still need some adjustment and tunning with the RSR to get up wind - not going well with that at all.....
Good to see so many people out and Sam must be a happy camper as there seems to be heaps of new gear on the water!
David Flanagan (4459km):
5256 days ago Ramsgate. NE 10-15kts. First sail for about 5 weeks after getting married and honeymoon. Went racing with the Formula crew. Had a couple of good races. Great to get out and buzz around a course.
Apart from busting the tack of my 9.8 I had a great day. Even managed to beat an open class sailor in one of the races!
Sail donated by Brett Morris. RS6 9.0m.

Peter (Wineman) (3122km):
5256 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
N/E to 15 kts + a few gusts & a few holes
Great arvo on the water with sail etc dialled in nicely.
RRD 155l, Maui Titan 7.0, Maui44 fin.
And A PB as well - Yeeehaaa

Rogues (2694km):
5256 days ago Ramsgate, NSW, AU
Sunday Formula racing. `15-20knts NE.
Starboard 161, stock fin, Severne Code Red 11m.
Lots of fun today.

Mike (3343km):
5256 days ago Bulli, NSW, AU
Larko (11494km):
5256 days ago Very light sea breeze and very holey. Still fun with some just powered runs later in the arvo. Had the pleasure of sailing with the Roaches newest member (says it all really), Johnny Miller!!!! Oh and Spence. Couple of cold ones while de-rigging.
After a nice SUP in the morning the lagoon is finally getting a flush out. Opened at Northy on Friday its now about 3 feet lower and getting a salt enema.
JP V 68, RSR 7.8, Spitfire 42cm.