Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Jeroen Jacobs | | | | | | |
Hans Kreisel | | | | | | |
Anho | | | | | | |
Sebastiaan de Bruijn | | | | | | |
Jacques Pellen | | | | | | |
Theo Boudewijn | | | | | | |
Jacques van der Hout |
Ben van der Steen |
Jeroen Schuitema |
Stefan Brouwers |
Marcel van Kalken |
Menno Benningshof |
André Mook |
Alex |
Average | 41.77 | 40.07 | 18.81 | 19.20 | 28.17 | 119.86 |
Jeroen Jacobs (13074km):
5056 days ago
Hans Kreisel (34597km):
5056 days ago Very nice conditions only a bit more wind would have been nicer and a 5,5 . My new gear is flying sick how many times i did a 45average this year. Don't understand why nobody came would have been nice for extra confidence because ur 2km from shore. Tomorrow is going to be hardcore today the entry was fucking choppy can't wait to se how big my balls need to be tomorrow. Really happy with my 500. The hunt for 50knots continues!!!!!!
Anho (11603km):
5056 days ago Nice day at de Punt. Not more than 12 surfers on the water. Bart was fast on his new Vapor 6.0. My ols Fins did a very good job.
Sebastiaan de Bruijn (974km):
5055 days ago First session with the new Koncept 6.6 and the Falcon 90. Very vry lowwind session not always planning, most of the time through the chop, in the harbor no power in the sail. Had better taken my 7.1 Race.
Good to be on the water
Jacques Pellen (50354km):
5055 days ago
Theo Boudewijn (4055km):
5055 days ago